Free certifications are a great resource to take advantage of, especially when getting started in a new career field. From Google Ads to Twitter Flight School, these free marketing certifications could help land you a paid gig!
Learning the ins and outs of Google Ads, such as the difference between display ads and search ads and how to optimize each, is a great place to start when looking for digital marketing certifications. Google offers this credential for free, and all you have to do to earn it is pass two tests, AdWords Fundamentals as well as a test in one of their five ad subcategories. (Although it only takes one to pass, we recommend eventually testing in each of the ad subcategories!)
Any aspiring social media managers should definitely consider Facebook's online academy. There are over 150 courses to take, from optimizing Facebook Ads to creating engaging Groups. In addition to helping marketers understand the digital platform better, Facebook Blueprint is a great resource for online business owners. There are a variety of courses involving online sales that are sure to help any online business grow.
In addition to mastering the ins and outs of Facebook, another online academy perfect for those interested in social media is Twitter's Flight School. This online academy offers "bite-sized" courses as well as achievement badges to show off your knowledge on LinkedIn and other social platforms. The courses vary from general advertising on Twitter to specific campaign types like video.
Another certification offered by Google is awarded by mastering their analytics course. Google Analytics tracks and reports data on almost all B2C websites. Knowing the ins and outs of how these analytics works will help with understanding future customers and help to optimize websites to earn the most traffic and conversions.
While HubSpot is most known for their software, their online academy offers a wide variety of learning and certifications. For marketing specifically, they offer 12 different certifications ranging from email marketing to SEO and everything in between. It's an expansive and free resource perfect for anyone looking to expand their marketing skillset. You can even display your HubSpot certification on your LinkedIn profile for future employers to see!